Making a Gift
Send all donations to the Catholic Foundation of Maine, PO BOx 799, Portland, ME 04104 and identfy the endowment or endowments you wish your gift to be directed to.
CFM is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization with the Tax ID Number 77-0612679.
Gifts by Will or Trust
You may always include the Catholic Foundation of Maine (CFM) in your will or living trust. Leaving such a gift may well save tax dollars and be able to pass greater value to your family. Gifts to CFM are deductible for both state and federal estate taxes.
Your will could include the following donation language
“I give, devise and bequeth to the Catholic Foundation of Maine, (the sum of $______) or (_____%) of the rest, residue, remainder of my estate both real and personal for (name of endowment) or for general purposes.” Please consult your attorney or trust advisor, as legal language in your particular instance may need to include other things.